The world’s most advanced nanopolymer admixture for cementitious binders. Suitable for concrete and bound flexible pavements (roads, paths, carparks,haul roads, runways and hardstands). No shrinkage. No cracks. No potholes. No ruts.


Resilient Roads

Renolith 2.0 admixture represents cutting-edge nanotechnology seamlessly integrated with conventional cold-recycling in-situ or plant mixed cementitious stabilisation techniques. This advanced solution facilitates the construction of high-performing road pavement base layers using any in-situ soil or recycled aggregate.

Improve Mechanical Performance

Improved engineering properties.
Increased CBR, compressive strength, flexural strength and elastic modulus.

Low Permeability

Resilience. Low permeability and high resistance to water induced damage allow use in flood-prone roads.

Suitable for all soils

Base and sub-base pavement layers can be constructed from any inorganic soil, including contaminated soils.

Cost Effective

Pavement construction costs can be significantly reduced (15% to 60%) with the application of Renolith 2.0.

Roads built with Renolith
0 +m2
Quarry Materials saved
0 + kg


Sustainable Pavement

Renolith 2.0 enables:
road to resilience

Diverse Pavement Solutions

Renolith Applications

Adaptable solutions cater to a myriad pavement applications, ensuring resilient infrastructure that lasts for decades.

sealed roads

Sealed Roads

Unsealed roads

Unsealed Roads

Haul Road

Haul Roads



Footpaths and Cyclepaths



Car parks


Global Success Stories

Explore our case studies showcasing how innovative solutions redefine road construction success globally.

Research and Test Reports

There are dozens of independent studies and test reports characterising the behaviour of Renolith admixture in a variety of applications. Please contact us for more information.

Client Testimonial
"Following the early identified success of this construction technique at trial equestrian events prior to the Sydney Games, we subsequently used cement stabilisation with Renolith as our pavement construction process for all types of vehicle and pedestrian all weather accessed from heavy vehicle roads and parking facilities to pedestrian paths.We are satisfied that our investment in this construction at all venues in Sydney, representing a saving of approximately 60% of the cost of conventional construction of such roads and the associated time saving of up to 50% of conventional construction time. These savings have been advantageous in the preparation, management and coordination for the Overlay Works for the Sydney Games."
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