Get Renolith's Triple Bottom Line Estimator Tool Now!
Quickly estimate and compare the triple bottom line cost ($, carbon footprint, materials usage) of pavement rehabilitation options.
The world’s most advanced nanopolymer admixture for cementitious binders.
Renolith 2.0 admixture is state-of-the-art nanotechnology used in conjunction with conventional cold-recycling in-situ or plant mixed cementitious stabilisation methods. It enables high-performing road pavement base layers to be constructed from any in-situ soil or recycled aggregate.
Typical problems such as shrinkage cracking, rutting and potholing are eliminated. Renolith™ enhanced roads are resilient, sustainable, long-lasting. By enabling thinner pavements to be built from insitu materials, they cost 15%-60% less to construct than conventional methods.
“The use of stabilisation technology for stabilising and recycling materials for pavement construction and maintenance is widely accepted as a cost-effective method of improving long-term performance and reducing whole-of-life costs of modern, heavily trafficked pavements.”
Renolith 2.0 nanopolymer admixture is the quantum leap forward in pavement recycling and stabilisation technology.
Quickly estimate and compare the triple bottom line cost ($, carbon footprint, materials usage) of pavement rehabilitation options.