The world’s most advanced nanopolymer admixture for cementitious binders.

Product Description

Renolith 2.0™ is a patented admixture for cementitious binders. Chemically, it is a colloidal suspension comprising a latex emulsion and a stable colloidal dispersion of nanosilica and nanocellulose. It is typically used in conjunction with conventional pavement stabilisation methods, enabling a simple, low-cost method of constructing nanoengineered roads. Its super-pozzolanic behaviour significantly improves the engineering properties of cementitiously bound materials and reduces the risk of shrinkage cracking. It enables a resilient, high fatigue life pavement base layer to be constructed from any inorganic soil or recycled material.
  • Cost-effective: Pavements are constructed using conventional cementitious stabilisation, which is an inherently fast, efficient, and low-cost construction method.
  • Resilient: Pavements have reduced permeability and are highly resistant to water-induced damage.
  • Sustainable: Environmental impacts, including Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions are reduced. With the use of in-situ, site-won or ex-situ recycled soils/aggregates, environmental impacts from excavation, quarrying, milling, washing, and materials transportation are significantly reduced compared to typical unbound flexible pavement construction methods using high grade materials.
  • Reduce risk: Significantly reduces the susceptibility of cementitiously-bound materials to shrinkage cracking.
  • Long-life: Due to the high flexural strength and elastic modulus of the bound material, pavements have excellent fatigue life. Costs to design for heavy traffic are greatly reduced.
  • Primary use-case: Construction or rehabilitation of flexible pavement base layers
  • Common applications: Unsealed roads; sealed roads with spray seal or asphalt; freeways; highways; local roads; haul roads; runways; carparks; footpaths; hardstands.
  • Suitable soils/materials: Virgin aggregates, recycled aggregates, inorganic insitu soils including silts and clays
  • Environments: Virtually any, including tropical, desert, waterlogged, permafrozen, and freeze-thaw environments.
  • Binder compatibility: Rapid, medium or slow-setting hydraulic binders (eg. Cement, lime, ground granulated blast furnace slag, fly ash).
  • Pavement layers: Base (optimal), sub-base, subgrade
  • Manufacture: Renolith 2.0 is manufactured to order in Europe under an ISO-9001 compliant Quality Management System.
  • Bulk supply: Supplied as a liquid in 1000L IBCs; maximum 18 IBCs per 20ft ISO container.
  • Samples: Request samples via

How it Works?

Renolith: Nanotechnology-Enhanced Cementitious Stabilisation

Renolith 2.0 admixture is state-of-the-art nanotechnology used in conjunction with conventional cold-recycling in-situ or plant mixed cementitious stabilisation methods. It enables high-performing road pavement base layers to be constructed from any in-situ soil or recycled aggregate.

Typical problems such as shrinkage cracking, rutting and potholing are eliminated.  Renolith™ enhanced roads are resilient, sustainable, long-lasting. By enabling thinner pavements to be built from insitu materials, they cost 15%-60% less to construct than conventional methods.

Construction Process
Road pavement construction or rehabilitation is via conventional cementitious stabilisation methods.It is suited to:
“Resilient, Sustainable, Nanoengineered Roads”

“The use of stabilisation technology for stabilising and recycling materials for pavement construction and maintenance is widely accepted as a cost-effective method of improving long-term performance and reducing whole-of-life costs of modern, heavily trafficked pavements.”

Austroads Guide to Pavement Technology AGPT04D-19

Renolith 2.0 nanopolymer admixture is the quantum leap forward in pavement recycling and stabilisation technology.


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